17.5. 載入多個 TB3

[Remote PC 端] 執行 roscore

$ roscore

使用不同的 namespace 來構建多個 turtlebot3。我們建議 namespace 包含常用字詞,如 tb3_0,tb3_1 或 my_robot_0,my_robot_1。

[TB3 SBC 端 (tb3_0)] 為節點提供 ROS NAMESPACE 的基本套件,為 tf 前綴提供multi_robot_name,為光達框架 id 提供 set_lidar_frame_id。 這些參數必須相同。

$ ROS_NAMESPACE=tb3_0 roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch multi_robot_name:="tb3_0" set_lidar_frame_id:="tb3_0/base_scan"

[TB3 SBC 端 (tb3_1)] 為節點提供 ROS NAMESPACE 的基本套件,為 tf 前綴提供multi_robot_name,為光達框架 id 提供 set_lidar_frame_id。 這些參數必須相同但需跟其他機器人不同。

$ ROS_NAMESPACE=tb3_1 roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_robot.launch multi_robot_name:="tb3_1" set_lidar_frame_id:="tb3_1/base_scan"

然後你用來啟動 tb3_0 的那個 terminal 視窗,將顯示以下訊息。您可以觀看前綴為 tb3_0 的 TF 變換樹訊息。


 * /rosdistro: kinetic
 * /rosversion: 1.12.13
 * /tb3_0/turtlebot3_core/baud: 115200
 * /tb3_0/turtlebot3_core/port: /dev/ttyACM0
 * /tb3_0/turtlebot3_core/tf_prefix: tb3_0
 * /tb3_0/turtlebot3_lds/frame_id: tb3_0/base_scan
 * /tb3_0/turtlebot3_lds/port: /dev/ttyUSB0

    turtlebot3_core (rosserial_python/serial_node.py)
    turtlebot3_diagnostics (turtlebot3_bringup/turtlebot3_diagnostics)
    turtlebot3_lds (hls_lfcd_lds_driver/hlds_laser_publisher)


process[tb3_0/turtlebot3_core-1]: started with pid [1903]
process[tb3_0/turtlebot3_lds-2]: started with pid [1904]
process[tb3_0/turtlebot3_diagnostics-3]: started with pid [1905]
[INFO] [1531356275.722408]: ROS Serial Python Node
[INFO] [1531356275.796070]: Connecting to /dev/ttyACM0 at 115200 baud
[INFO] [1531356278.300310]: Note: publish buffer size is 1024 bytes
[INFO] [1531356278.303516]: Setup publisher on sensor_state [turtlebot3_msgs/SensorState]
[INFO] [1531356278.323360]: Setup publisher on version_info [turtlebot3_msgs/VersionInfo]
[INFO] [1531356278.392212]: Setup publisher on imu [sensor_msgs/Imu]
[INFO] [1531356278.414980]: Setup publisher on cmd_vel_rc100 [geometry_msgs/Twist]
[INFO] [1531356278.449703]: Setup publisher on odom [nav_msgs/Odometry]
[INFO] [1531356278.466352]: Setup publisher on joint_states [sensor_msgs/JointState]
[INFO] [1531356278.485605]: Setup publisher on battery_state [sensor_msgs/BatteryState]
[INFO] [1531356278.500973]: Setup publisher on magnetic_field [sensor_msgs/MagneticField]
[INFO] [1531356280.545840]: Setup publisher on /tf [tf/tfMessage]
[INFO] [1531356280.582609]: Note: subscribe buffer size is 1024 bytes
[INFO] [1531356280.584645]: Setup subscriber on cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist]
[INFO] [1531356280.620330]: Setup subscriber on sound [turtlebot3_msgs/Sound]
[INFO] [1531356280.649508]: Setup subscriber on motor_power [std_msgs/Bool]
[INFO] [1531356280.688276]: Setup subscriber on reset [std_msgs/Empty]
[INFO] [1531356282.022709]: Setup TF on Odometry [tb3_0/odom]
[INFO] [1531356282.026863]: Setup TF on IMU [tb3_0/imu_link]
[INFO] [1531356282.030138]: Setup TF on MagneticField [tb3_0/mag_link]
[INFO] [1531356282.033628]: Setup TF on JointState [tb3_0/base_link]
[INFO] [1531356282.041117]: --------------------------
[INFO] [1531356282.044421]: Connected to OpenCR board!
[INFO] [1531356282.047700]: This core(v1.2.1) is compatible with TB3 Burger
[INFO] [1531356282.051355]: --------------------------
[INFO] [1531356282.054785]: Start Calibration of Gyro
[INFO] [1531356284.585490]: Calibration End

[Remote PC 端] 啟動具有相同 namespace 的 robot state publisher

$ ROS_NAMESPACE=tb3_0 roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_remote.launch multi_robot_name:=tb3_0
$ ROS_NAMESPACE=tb3_1 roslaunch turtlebot3_bringup turtlebot3_remote.launch multi_robot_name:=tb3_1

在開始另一個應用程序之前,檢查 topics 主題和 TF tree 變換樹以打開 rqt。

$ rqt

要使用此設置,每個 TB3 要使用 SLAM 製作地圖,並且這些地圖要由multi_map_merge 套件同時合併。您可以瀏覽 Virtual SLAM by Multiple TurtleBot3s 章節,來獲取更多有關的訊息。

Last updated

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